Thursday 31 March 2011

Editing diary

Once we gathered all the footage we needed for the thriller, I began to edit them. I started off introducing a sound track to create tension before an image was shown, the music used for the tension is a slow piano and flute piece. As the thriller goes on the music start to get quicker and I change the soundtrack to set the mood of the scene; the tempo increases as the physical elements of the thriller come into play. After the physical scene of the thriller the music then gains a slower tempo again when Nathan is tied up to a chair adding to previous tension created, leaving the viewer in suspense of what is going to happen to Nathan.

 The opening of our thriller begins what a few taster cuts of what is to come throughout the duration of the thriller. Followed by all of the names involved within the thriller and also our company name 'NJR Productions'. The reason for this being that we felt if the viewer had a little teaser of what is going to happen then it would make them intrigued on what is to come. When editing it we had recorded a part where I find Ryan on the floor murdered and I remember seeing a suspected figure walking from Ryan's house. To make the thriller look realistic I decided to do a clip making it a flash and go into slow motion making it seem like a real flashback, of the walking suspect. Furthermore, it gives the viewer an idea of what James is thinking; building tension of what is going to happen next.

Coming towards then end of the thriller, the last clip is of Nathan tied up in a chair with a balacalver over his face in a dark room with nothing but a garden light shining on him. We recorded a clip of me coming up behind Nathan and taking of his balacalver so his identity was revealed. As the name of our thriller 'Retribution' was not shown on thriller yet, I thought it would be a good idea to leave the audience in suspense. When I remove the balacalver from Nathan to leave the audience in suspense we agreed that if we cut out his identity at the end and replaced it with a flash and then 'Retribution' appearing, leaving it with a cliffhanger ending with the music is still playing with a blank screen leaving a mystery behind the thriller.

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