Tuesday 1 March 2011

Post-Production of Preliminary Task

After we had finished filming our preliminary task we went into the editing room and were shown how to use the software by Year 13 students. We were shown how to use the 'Pinnacle' programme which after they had shown us how to use we had a go on it and then once we were familiar with it we could then edit our clip.

The first bit of editing that we had to do on our clip was to cut out any of the takes that were not needed in
the final piece and that were not relevant to the main focus of our clip. For example a lot of the takes were of unimportant speech and so we took this out of our clip to make it more tense and to keep the viewer interested. After we had decided which shots to cut out we then used transitions to make each take fuse together. We did this by using fades and wipes so that after one take had finished a new one immediately began, this also adds tension to the clip.

We added some titles to the film at the beginning and end of the clip for different resons. The title at the beginning of the clip was 'Cherpsing' which is an urban word for talking and was the main theme throughout our clip. The title at the end of our clip was 'Par.', this is also an urban expression for an insult and showed how the character was insulted when the girl did not have james' 'ting'.

The editing was quite straightforward as the takes that were relevant to the clip did not need much editing and only a few shots had to be cut out. Also no music was added to the clip and the sound in our film was of good quality. Other than that the only thing we had to add was titles to the beginning and end of our clip.

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