Wednesday 2 March 2011

Final Product/Changes

This is our thriller clip after it has been filmed and edited, however when we viewed the clip it was clear to us that some things still had to be edited and changed.

Firstly, we realised that the clip was over a minute and thirty seconds too long and therefore, the first change that we had to implement was to cut down a lot of the film to ensure that it was no longer than two minutes and twenty seconds. This proved quited difficult as cutting some parts of the clip takes away some of the tension that we had built up, but after carefully analysing what bits we were able to cut the clip fitted in to the time limit we were allowed.

The second major change that we had to make was to cut out any bits of our clip that ruined the tone of the thriller for example in the final scene of the clip Nathan can be seen smiling and laughing whilst in a serious scene which makes the scene seem unreal and unprofessional. We cut out the shot of him laughing and made the scene considerably shorter with just shots of the hood being pulled off his head and sound of the struggling in the background. Another problem we had with the first murder scene is that James' hand appears on the top of the fridge when he is not supposed to be in the scene. We added a flash at the time when the hand appears in the scene to disguise the mistake and this also fits into the scene as it represents Nathan entering into the shot.

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