Saturday 5 March 2011

Area Locations

There will be various places we will use for our thriller, here are some of the locations:

  • The first scene will be shot in James' house in Ongar in his kitchen. We are going to use this location because it is big enough to film the struggle scene between Nathan and Ryan and also because on the day of our filming the house was empty. This suited us because it meant we could film without worrying about inconveniencing other people.
Picture of filming in James' kitchen  ----------->

  • We also used James' house for some opening shots in the credits and the final shots where it jumps back to normal time with Nathan tied up in the shed. We used this location because the shed let almost no natural light in and therefore, the effect of having the more powerful light in Nathan's face was more effective. The shed also had a very old spooky feel to it which fitted in nicely with the tone of the scene and the thriller.
Picture of us in James' shed  ---------------->

  • Other locations that we used were mainly for the shots of Nathan walking and being chased by james in the car. Some of these shots were taken around King Georges Park and in the car park there for example the scene where Nathan gets run over and taken by James. This was a good location because the car park was empty at that time of day and therefore, we could film the chase without worrying about dangers from other cars. Other shots were filmed outside Nathan's house and in York Road in Shenfield of James pulling away to help Ryan and more shots of Nathan walking.

Picture of Nathan being run over ------------->

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