Friday 4 February 2011

Textual Analysis Chosen by Teacher

For the textual analysis of a thriller as chosen by our teacher, we analysed the opening of the film 'Cape Fear'. The film began with a very long credit sequence to introduce the film set on a background of still, dark water. The water itself is an example of mise-en-scene and it shows how although the water looks calm on the surface trouble lies beneath. This is used as a metaphor for Robert DeNeiro who we meet later on in the opening, he looks normal at first, but is filled with darkness inside as we find out later in the film.

The first example of sound used in the opening is the very loud music at the beginning which builds a lot of suspense and gives the reader an insight in to what they can expect from the rest of the thriller. The music also sounds sad and depressing which shows how the thriller is likely to have a very dark storyline and contain some sad and depressing moments.

There are a lot of examples of mise-en-scene in this opening but some are more relevant than others. For example the two eyes that appear in the reflection of the water, are very important in explaining what to expect in the film. The first set of eyes seem to be worried and nervous as they are flickering around scanning for anything or anyone, these eyes are most probably the eyes of the victim. The second set of eyes however, are very different from the first set as they remain focused and still, staring straight at the camera showing most likely the killer's eyes.

An example of pathetc fallecy can be seen at the beginning of the film when the weather is very extreme, this shows how a storm is brewing which is pathetic fallecy for the danger that Robert DeNeiro possesses. The setting of the opening is on a lake at night and this setting is a very dark and eerey place for the thriller to be set. This builds tension for the audience and gives them a preview of what the rest of the film will be like.

The majority of the colours that are used have hidden meanings for example a lot of green is used displaying how some of the characters are likely to be envious of others and jealous. The main colours that are used however, are dark blues, blacks and dark reds, these colours are typically used in thrillers as it emphasises the darkness that is present throughout the film. The little girl at the end of the opening is dressed in all white with small white shoes which shows how she is pure, innocent and helpless. This gives the audience the impression that she will be the victim in the rest of the film. Near the end of the opening Robert DeNeiro walks out of prison and right up to the camera, this symbolises as he is free and how he is coming to get you. This gives a sense of personalisation to the audience who get the feeling that he is after them.  

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