Sunday 17 April 2011

Evaluation Activity 1

Title of Our Thriller

The title of our thriller uses conventions of a thriller as it is a one-word title 'Retribution'. This supports thriller conventions as it is basic, straight to the point, but also shocking and gives the viewer the image in their mind of revenge. The colours used in the title are black and white which are both colours associated with thriller conventions. The black shows the darkness of the opening for example when Nathan murders Ryan, whereas the white shows the purity and innocence that Ryan has as he is attacked maliciously.


The first setting used in our thriller was James Mathews' house in Ongar. This setting challenged thriller conventions as the house was not a haunting or scary place and as it was done in the day time there was no tension created by darkness. Our second setting was a shed in James' garden and this setting did support thriller conventions for many reasons. The shed was old and appeared derelict, also almost all light was blocked out of the shed and this therefore, created a lot of tension. We were able to use a spotlight to shine in the victim's face as a result of the darkness and this worked well with the effect that we wanted to achieve in that scene. Settings used for the chase scene also supported thriller conventions as they were quiet country roads that appeared away from the public eye.

Costumes and props

Nathan's costume - Dark, hooded clothes immediately showed the audience that he was the antagonist in the thriller and this strongly supported previous thriller conventions.
Ryan's costume - Casual, everyday clothes gave the audience the impression that Ryan was the protagonist in the film and he was the innocent victim that was attacked maliciously which supported thriller conventions.
James' costume - James' costume at first appears to be innocent but after he disocvers Ryan's death he can then be seen to change as he searches for revenge. His dark jacket and trousers show how he has now become the attacker which is again supporting previous thriller conventions.

Camerawork and Editing

The main editing technique that we used effectively was rapid editing to quicken up our thriller and increase the level of tension that was present during the opening. This is a technique often used in thriller films and so therefore, strongly supports thriller conventions. Another editing technique that we used was title sequences at the beginning and end of our thriller. These included the names of the actors in the thriller and the title at the very end of the clip which came up in bold letters at the climax of the opening. This again supports thriller conventions as there are often title sequences used at the beginning of the film to set the scene of the film and build up tension. Also the title being used at the end shocks the viewers as it comes in at a very important time in the opening which is a technique that has been used in other famous thrillers. We used a lot of close-ups in our clip as it gets across the emotion of the characters and shows reaction shots. This is another technique that is commonly used in thrillers and therfore supports thriller conventions.

Story and Opening

The story of our thriller supports thriller conventions as it has a gangster theme running throughout and invloves a plot where a character is murdered, and then his friend seeks revenge. This is very similar to gangster films such as 'Goodfellas' and 'The Godfather'. The opening of our clip is engaging and immediately shock the viewers as Ryan is attacked in his house and murdered. Also at the very beginning of our thriller, shots of events that will happen throughout the clip are showed for example, the picture above. This supports thriller conventions as this is used in many thrillers to give viewers a sense of what to expect and to put an image in their mind.   

Genre and Opening

The genre of our clip is gangster-thriller and this is suggested in the opening by the way that James seeks revenge for the death of his friend by using violence. This supports other films of this genre as it shows how James is following the belief that you must fight violence with violence which is a way that a lot of gangs behave in other similar films. Another way in which the opening suggests it is gangster based, is the costumes that are used, particular Nathan’s, and the final setting in the dark shed. These are all conventions of a gangster-thriller and help suggest that to the viewer clearly.

Character Introductions

Ryan’s introduction shows him walking into his house appearing seemingly innocent and unaware of anything being wrong. This immediately gives the viewers the impression that he is the protagonist and his costume also supports this.

Nathan’s introduction immediately shows him as the antagonist in the film as he is dressed in hooded black clothes and holding a knife. Also the way he appears supports thriller conventions as he slowly comes out from hiding and walks towards Ryan without fear. 

James’ introduction is frantic and injects pace into the thriller. The audience start to wonder why he is in such a hurry and this element of surprise and question is again supporting thriller conventions.

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